Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Necesito Ayuda!/I need help!

(Inserten acá un intro de los que uso siempre)

Amigos bloggers, necesito su ayuda otra vez, pero no para mí, sino para Arthur, y les diré por qué:

A la mañana fui a su casa para que nos acompañara a mí y a mi hermana a vender batidos como siempre. Pero cuando llegamos, nos encontramos con que una vez más su Mamá lo estaba regañando, pero más fuerte que otras veces. Le gritaba muy feo, y estuvo a punto de pegarle.

No sé porqué fue, pero ya la Mamá de Arthur salió de la casa, y Arthur estaba muy angustiado y le pedía perdón, y que no se fuera. Pero lo peor pasó cuando Arthur corrió atrás de su Mamá, pero como él estaba en el segundo piso de su casa, ya, bajó corriendo las escaleras, dió un mal paso, y finalmente se cayó. EEEEKKKK!!!

Sí, leyeron bien, Arthur se cayó de las escaleras de su casa, y sirvió para que su Mamá no se fuera, pero aún así, ella lo regañó más por haberse caído en vez darle amor, le dijo que por ser mal hijo Dios lo castigó con esa caída. Y acabó diciendo que no le iba a hablar por el resto de su vida.

Repito, yo no sé cuál fue el problema, pero ya, yo, con la ayuda de mi hermana, llevé a Arthur con el doctor, y el doctor nos dijo que Arthur se lastimó un brazo, pero que lo que más lo preocupaba era la esguince que se hizo en el cuello. Entonces ya, Arthur pudo salir por su propio pie con un collarín de los más grandes y más rígidos, y lo llevamos a su casa para que descanse.

Ya, se acostó en su cama, pero sigue en un bajón profundo, tanto, que ya no quiere hacer nada, y sólo quiere dormir. Según él, dice que quiere irse a vivir a Kirby's Dream Land para siempre. O sea, sólo quiere estar dormido todo el tiempo.

Todo eso también me hace daño a mí, porque Arturo es mi mejor amigo, yo lo quiero mucho, y verlo así me duele.

Qué hago? por eso necesito su ayuda de todos ustedes. Al final del post les dejo una foto de una mujer con un collarín como el que tendrá que usar Arthur por algunos meses.

(Inserten acá un outro de los que uso siempre)

(Insert here one of the intros I always use)

Blogger friends, I need your help again, but it's not for me, it's for my sweet beloved friend Arthur, and I'm gonna tell you why:

In the morning, I went to Arthur's house to bring him with me and my sister in order to sell milkshakes, as always. But when we got to his house we found again that he was being nagged and scolded by his Mother, but this time, the nag/scold was severely stronger than other times. Arthur's Mother was shouting very loudly to him, and besides, she was about to hurt him physically.

I don't know what the problem was, but in that moment Arthur's Mother got out of the house, she was full of anger, and Arthur was really distraught and asking for her pardon very desperate; and he was asking for his Mother not to leave their home. But the worst doom happened when Arthur ran behind his Mother, but since he was in the second floor of his house, then, he was getting getting downstairs very fast, then, he gave a bad step, and finally he fell down. EEEEKKKK!!!

Yes, you read it well, Arthur fell down the stairs of his house, but for that, Arthur's Mother didn't go away, but, even Arthur fell down, Arthur's Mother nagged and scolded him again instead of giving him some love. And she said God punished him with that fall 'cause he was a bad son. And she finished saying she wouldn't talk to him for the rest of his life.

I repeat, I don't know what the problem was, but then, I, with the help of my sister, took Arthur with the doctor, and the doctor told us that Arthur has a little damage in his arm, but what really worried the doctor was the heavy damage Arthur has in his neck, he's got a heavy and severe sprain in his neck. So then, Arthur could get out on his own feet, wearing a big and rigid Philadelphia collar, and we took him to his house in order to let him rest.

Then, Arthur laid down on his bed, but he's still deeply down, so much, that now he wants to do nothing, and all he wants to do is to sleep. According to him, he says he wants to go to live in Kirby's Dream Land forever. That means, he only wants to be fast asleep every time.

All this situation also hurts me, 'cause Arthur is my best friend. I love him so much (as my best friend). And it's a pain for me to see him asleep every time.

What can I do? That's why I need help from you all. At the end of this post I'll show you a photo of a woman using a Philadelphia collar like the one Arthur will have to use for some months.

(Insert here one of the outros I always use here)